Recent Authors

• Cell culture: three laminar flows, three CO2 incubators
• Sample storage: five -20 freezers, three Jouan VX490E -80 freezers, one VWR LN2 storage system and one Thaylor Warton RX N2 backup tank
• Microscopy: one Leica DM2000 with DFC420C digital camera, one Leica DMIRB with DFC 350 FX digital camera with immunofluorescence equipment, one Leica DMIRB and one Nikon Eclipse E200
• Centrifugation: one Sorvall OTD 75B ultracentrifuge, one Jouan KR25i high speed centrifuge, two Eppendorf 5810R, one Eppendorf 5415R, one Eppendorf 5417R, one Cytofuge 2, one Cytospin 2
• Electrophoresis equipment for RNA, DNA and protein analysis: 6 Biometra horizontal electrophoresis and Biorad Miniprotean vertical mini electrophoresis, 2 Biorad Protean II vertical Maxi electrophoresis, blotting and transfer equipment, Appligene vacuum blotter and Appligene hybridization oven
• Visualization: Kodak Image Station 400, BioRad Gel Doc XR, UVP Bioimaging system
• Quantification: Molecular Devices Spectra Max Gemini EM spectrofluoro meter, Berthold Orion plate luminometer, Turner TD20/20 luminometer, Packard Spectracount Microplate Reader, Packard Cyclone Phosphore Storage system, GE Ultrospec 1000 spectrophotometer, Nanodrop 1000 UV/vis spectrophotometer
• General equipment: Innova 44 incubator, Jouan RCT60 – RC1010 speed vac, OHaus Explorer Pro balances, Astec Monair security cabinet, Captair bio PCR preparation cabinet, Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient PCR, Eppendorf Mastercycler 5330, Gerhard Thermoshaker, two Memmert incubators/ovens
• Informatics: The lab is equipped with a state of the art computer network including 20 Macintosh and 10 PCs with 4 x 1 TByte NAS and one Canon iRC3080i. Networked computers are connected to the Restena network via the Kirchberg Hospital computer network by both wireless and Ethernet connections.
• Dark room: Agfa Curix 60 automatic developer
• Maintenance: Autoclave, Miele Professional G7883 CD dish washer, Millipore Elix3 water purification system, Millipore Simplicity Ultrapure water purification system, two Ziegra Ice Machines
LBMCC is accredited by the Ministry of Health (Radioprotection Division) for the use of 32P-labeled compounds and is equipped, in accordance with the legislation in place, to safely work with radiolabeled compounds.
Senior scientists, technicians and fellows are trained at the CEA (Commissariat d’Energie Atomique, Saclay, France) in the use of 32P-labeled molecules. This training is extended to PhD students during their stay at LBMCC.
Specific equipment is mentioned within the description of the research teams.