International Meetings
Meetings Organized by LBMCC
The LBMCC has held symposia on cell signaling since 1998. In 1998, the lab organized the first specialized meeting in the field of signal transduction and gene expression in Luxembourg. This type of meeting was originally intended to teach doctoral students in the molecular and cellular biology master's training program at the University of Nancy I (France).
Since then, more than 5,200 fundamental, clinical and industrial researchers have gathered in Luxembourg for nine different meetings in order to discuss novel therapeutic applications in the field of signal transduction, transcription and translation.
These meetings allow students and fellows new insights into this rapidly evolving field. Novel antibodies against receptors, protein kinase inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA targeting both signal transduction and gene expression will certainly enhance therapeutic approaches for the next century. Many fruitful collaborations were sparked by these meetings that integrated the LBMCC lab in a vast network of scientific collaboration.
Past meetings:
• Natural Compounds: Regulators of Cell Signaling Pathways and Novel Therapeutic Tools (2012)
• Integrated Cellular Pathology – Systems Biology of Human Disease (2011)
• Inflammation (2010)
• Apoptosis (2008)
• Cell sigaling (2006)
• Signal Transduction (2004)
• Chromatin (2004)
• Apoptosis (2003)
• Signal Transduction (2002)
• Signal Transduction (2000)
Participation in International Meetings/Programs
All members of the LBMCC lab participate actively in national and international meetings with oral and poster presentations.
PhD students take an active role in the doctoral school programs where they are affiliated by participating in seminars or presenting data. More specifically, students participate in the doctoral programs of the Universities of Nancy, Saarbrücken, Rome Tor Vergata, Aberdeen, Bratislava... Interesting conferences announced by one doctoral school become immediately available to all students and fellows.
Tuesday Seminars
In 2005, the LBMCC created weekly "Tuesday Seminars" about molecular medicine. These seminars were initially meant to provide regular doctoral training for PhD students at the LBMCC by inviting scientists from abroad.
In 2006, the University of Luxembourg joined this effort (Professors Behrmann and Carlberg) and, as a result, students and fellows from the University and LBMCC attend these seminars, which are funded by FNR, Luxembourg.
Journal Clubs complete the seminar series, where both institutions can present their recent, published data as well as ongoing research. This knowledge-sharing platform enhances the scientists’ skills in relevant research fields.
LBMCC Intra-Muros Training
At regular intervals, the lab organises:
• Monthly data presentation and journal club meetings
• Technical training
Themes of technical training sessions include:
Molecular biology:
• Flow cytometer training by Becton Dickinson
• Fluorescent microscopy training by Olympus
• RNA extraction with Promega
• Real time PCR with Applied Biosystems
• Microarray scanner training with Westburg
• Transfection training with Amaxa and BioRad
The lab invites exterior scientists to teach specific techniques: e.g. immunoprecipitation
Lab Security training:
• Lab fire security training in collaboration with the security manager of Kirchberg Hospital
• Radioprotection training at the CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique), in Paris, since methodologies needed in the project require the handling of radioactive elements. This training consists of a 3-day period of courses providing theoretical and practical knowledge on the risks associated with radioactivity in laboratories.