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Since 2008, the LBMCC has been involved in the RedCat Network, which is an initial training network for experienced researchers and early stage researchers. The full title of the program is 'Natural Products and Related Redox Catalysts: Basic Research and Applications in Medicine and Agriculture'. RedCat is funded under the Framework 7 ‘People’ programme of the European Union.
RedCat provides research and training opportunities for 10 early stage and 4 experienced researchers across Europe, with 10 partner institutions and 8 associated partners in 5 European countries (Germany, France, Luxembourg, Portugal, UK). RedCat conducts its own research, which addresses highly significant, up-to-date research questions in the area of natural product research, intracellular redox processes, drug development and ‘green’ agriculture. Individual projects run across scientific disciplines. They embrace chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacy, medicine and agricultural research.
RedCat researchers receive extensive training in research methods and research-related subjects, including bioethics, intellectual property and communication. Training is provided by experts in the field, at excellent institutions with the most modern equipment and techniques. The aims of the training provided by RedCat are summarized in its motto: Fit for Europe, fit for the future.
All fellows of the LBMCC lab are entitled to participate in scientific and soft skill teaching courses provided by this network. For more information visit
In 2009 the LBMCC became a principal partner in a network called the CORENA-Network. In collaboration with the University of Metz and the University of Saarbrucken, the CORENA-Network is promoting the use of natural products in research and industry. Its full title is "Formation of a regional network of research and development on the theme of natural products: new active 'green' substances for medicine and agriculture".
The network aims to strengthen cooperation between research, development and application. The goal is the formation of a cluster of various research institutions in the Greater Region (Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Wallonia and Rhineland-Palatinate) to become nationally and internationally competitive. This cluster enables closer and cross-border collaboration between industry and research. Thus, companies, especially small and medium enterprises, can access the most modern research. The researchers receive new ideas and innovative approaches from the companies’ competences.
A total of 18 partners have joined the network as strategic partners, which include 8 industrial companies, 4 universities and 6 research centres, all in the Greater Region. Furthermore, 5 companies outside of the region have joined as additional partners, strengthening the region as an internationally recognizable science and business location. An optimized knowledge exchange could significantly increase the innovation capacity of the Greater Region in this vast field of research.
The network is funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the program INTERREG IVA broader region. The European Union is investing in its future. For more information please visit